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Old 02-08-2020, 07:14 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2020
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Posts: 40
Default Re: Any Gardeners here?

Originally Posted by Engel View Post
Where are you planting your toms? If planting outside have you tried a bit of foil on string by the crops,?

What's happened with your cucs? Do they just not grow? Indoor or outdoor variety?

if you plant things by onions, garlic or anything citrus (like lemon grass), because of the strong smell, a lot of animals won't go near it. Natural deterrent
I grow everything outside, I live on a hill in Oklahoma "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains" isn't just a line in a song. Our garden is in steps on a retaining wall so even though I'm planting in the ground it may as well be containers.

I have tied silver curling ribbon to my tomato cages but they may not have been large enough to reflect enough light. My cucs start to shrivel before I think they are large enough. I haven't tried the past two years... Is there something I can plant this year to prep soil for them next year?

I have done onion in pots, was afraid to put them in the ground because they reseed so easily, in our wind you wind up with a lawn full of onion. I will try garlic or lemon grass. I have also put marigold and/or radish in the garden to keep beetles away from squash, radish worked better but not well. I've given up on those as well.
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