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Old 12-30-2019, 02:09 PM  
Cosmic Hamsters
LunaTheHamster1's Avatar
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 2,593
Default Re: What Are Things to do/play With Hamster?

Creampuff, the problem with tape is if they nibble on it, you don't want them ingesting it or it getting stuck on their teeth. So if you are supervising your hamster and he/she isn't a chewer it's not that dangerous, but if you were to leave it in their cage I would not be using tape. I have used a non toxic safe (ish) glue in the past. I have stuck boxes together and made different shaped holes all over the boxes.

This is a link to a playlist of videos of some of the things I have made for my hammies, including one of the mazes.

Also in this video you can see how I leave my yoga stuff out for my hamsters to play with and a few boxes from the recycling! Even blankets/fleeces for them to burrow under- just supervise and make sure they don't chew. I hope this gives you some ideas on what you can do with your hamster.

I also designed a fleece maze where I worked out where my mum needed to sew and she sewed tunnels into some fleece for me that my old girl Luna used to like. I don't think I have a video of that. I will have a look. Ha, can't find the video but you can see it in my thumbnail pic on the left (doh, I just spotted that)
Cosmic Hamsters YouTube Channel

Last edited by LunaTheHamster1; 12-30-2019 at 02:14 PM.
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