Thread: Food, hoarding
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Old 12-21-2019, 07:49 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 3
Default Re: Food, hoarding

I have a dwarf hybrid and her food is a mix of lab blocks and Vitagarden in a ratio to get greater than 20% protein. I weigh out the food and keep it mixed in an air tight container. We give her 1 a teaspoon of the mixed food every 2 days or when she finishes what is in the food bowl. What usually happens is she will eat/pouch all the seeds and things she likes and leave the lab blocks. Because the lab blocks are part of the nutrition I want her to get, it is really tough love to wait out till she has eaten them to give her new food mix. She does get treats or mealworms, favorite seeds (Higgins seed treats) and fresh food too and I try to give just a little treats (it is hard! She is cute and loves treats) so that her nutrition is on track. Your dwarf will eat the mazuri eventually, but if she has a sizable hoard, she can live off that too.

As for cleaning, I try not to disturb her tunnels and food stash but if it’s really stinky then I scoop the hoarded food and give a few seeds in the same spot.
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