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Old 11-19-2019, 04:57 PM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Join Date: May 2019
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Default Re: Shy Syrian Hamster

Hi and welcome. You said you have had him only 2.5 days? If that is correct I would put off picking him up and holding him.

As you seem to be already doing, I would be putting my hand in his cage and letting him get used to that, so he can approach you in his own time. Holding bits of food out for him, letting him come to you to get them, if you leave the food on your palm let him come get that.

If he is not walking willingly into your hands yet, I would get a jug and transport/pick him up in that.
do you have a bath? can you do some bath tub bonding?

If not, have you a safe area that you are happy he can run around in. Maybe a small place, so you can encourage him to come to you and climb up on you etc.

That's basically what I do with my hammies when I first get them.

Hope this helps.
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