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Old 11-09-2019, 06:23 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Wheel for Multi Duna

That will probably wear off - she is sussing it out - how can it move on it's own?! Or maybe she is putting a marker at the top so she can count how many rotations she's done lol. Our syrian had a running battle with a flying saucer at first - to achieve getting to the top and keeping it still without sliding back down again. I have a video of it! He achieved it eventually - near the end of the video - and then stopped bothering to try. He was also trying to see if he could use it as a ramp to get over the side of the playpen I think.

You can see him working it out and I swear he did a victory lap at the end after achieving it - then looked up at the playpen - realised he couldn't get over the side and gave up!

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