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Old 10-24-2019, 10:13 PM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Default Re: Roborovski hamster homemade food mix

I know it's common for people to recommend gradual transitions, but I don't consider them completely necessary. The concept backing that up is that poor quality foods and general improper diets don't allow good gut health anyways, so digestive upset can occur at any time with poor diets and such. The best prevention for that is to avoid any extra stress whenever you can while changing foods(I would still suggest removing and replacing the hoard with the new food to be sure that's the only food your hamster will be eating), and if digestive upset does occur luckily it's often very mild and can typically be fixed with extra fiber.

In the hamster community I've seen people suggest plain old fashioned(not quick cooking or those with any additives just to be as safe as possible)oats, whether you give them whole or make some sort of porridge(no dairy and such added). You could also use pureed plain pumpkin(no added ingredients, it should be pumpkin and nothing else), or a similar product if you want to go pureed for time saving benefits would be the same sort of product but with safe types of squash instead.
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