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Old 10-23-2019, 01:41 PM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Default Re: Roborovski hamster homemade food mix

The best food for hamsters in the UK is going to be the Rodipet dwarf junior mix. It's extremely high quality, no artificial flavors or colors(Harry Hamster does have hidden artificial colors which really isn't good, among other issues like having far too large pieces for dwarf species especially robos).

Unlike anything else you could buy, it's completely organic. There are no pellets, which most hamsters hate and tend to be far too large for tiny robo mouths anyways. There are no artificial dyes(which are known to cause cancer among other health issues), no artificial flavors, and no preservatives at all.

The biggest benefit of all with using Rodipet's dwarf junior mix is that it is truly biologically appropriate for a hamster through the use of appropriate whole foods. No other food on the market has done this. It's also as close as you can get to a homemade whole food based diet without creating a disastrous imbalanced mess that would lead to serious health issues if used long term, plus unlike a homemade diet you won't have to measure out individual components and mix things together and it also happens to save you quite a bit of time and money in comparison.
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