Thread: Hamster deaths
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Old 10-10-2019, 01:40 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 8
Default Hamster deaths

In June, our hamster passed away after us
having her for more than two years, so I figured she died of old age. We waited a month or so and then got a new friend. She died after only a few weeks. I thought she had been climbing and fell. She was found in the morning, laying awkwardly and gasping and died shortly after she was discovered.

We again waited a bit and then got a new friend. Last night, I came home later from work, and she was not out playing. I tried to ruffle her a bit and she didn't respond. I got her out and found her cold and limp and breathing very rarely. I figured, since the weather just turned for cold that she was hibernating, though it hadn't gotten very cold in the house. I cuddled her a bit and she increased get breathing rate and was breathing more in the chest than the abdomen, though she was still very lethargic. But in my experience (I've had a lot of hamsters), gradual rewarming is the best thing. I turned a temperature-controlled space heater on in her room but not directly facing her and gave her ample food and water, some extra bedding and left her to slowly recover. I came back a few hours later to find her completely cold and stiff. I've never heard of a hamster dying of hibernation that fast.

What is killing these hamsters? I give them everything they need and I've kept hamsters alive for years!
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