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Old 06-09-2019, 09:42 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 5
Default Food for a (hybrid?) dwarf hamster?


We have (I think?) a hybrid dwarf hamster - not by choosing, but we have him now and we love him already. I have posted elsewhere trying to confirm this!

I just wondered about hamster food for him. Here in Asia, there are not so many choices as I would like, but I want to make sure he is getting the right combination of things.

We currently have Mazuri Rat & Mouse pellets and for seed mix we have the following options:

Deli Nature Premium Hamster
Jolly Crispy Hamster
Vitakraft Emotion Pure Nature Veggie
Bunny Dwarf Hamster Dream

Has anyone heard of these or know what's best? I understand that I should be doing a mix of both pellet and seed mixes?

We are also currently feeding him a very small amount of fresh food each day, like broccoli, bok choi, tofu etc, and some oats and sunflower seeds as taming treats.

He's under 6 months, so his protein has to be higher as I understand it. I just want to make sure I get him a good seed mix! Any advice would be welcomed

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