Thread: Mistress Poppy
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Old 05-30-2019, 02:14 PM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Mistress Poppy

Good day Mistress Poppy,

I hope to find you well and enjoying life.

It appears that I have moved to Alaska so I do hope that this letter will reach you.

You may ask why I have moved to Alaska which is the very question I have asked myself.
I'll tell you what happened and maybe you, intelligent lady that you are, may be able to make some sense of it all because I am somewhat perplexed.

While I was nodding off I overheard a conversation between Big Nose and Whiskers and can vaguely remember Big Nose telling Whiskers that I, Henry Hamster, ought to move into a bigger home with large double gates in Alaska. I then fell asleep and had a nightmare. There was a commotion outside my bedroom and I heard removal paws moving my furniture around. When Big Nose lifted me out of my bed I realized that this was not a dream but really happening! I had a rude awakening and found myself sitting in the middle of the lunch box with the carrot house. I had to resort to yet another tedious tantrum to get the humans attention so tipped the carrot house over causing Whiskers to laugh. Whiskers laughed at me!!! I sulked.
Big Nose picked me up and I let her because I do not like to sit in the lunch box and she put me back down in my home.
My home was the same but different or different but the same, somewhat more spacious and there was a coconut shaped outhouse I had not seen before. I did the essential checks and established that my duvet had not been stolen and some tasty food had been plated up for me.
Apropos duvet. It is a term I have adopted from the human language and means bedding. I sometimes exercise on Big Nose's duvet and run circuits.
My dear Poppy, I am exhausted from thinking and eating so will have to say good bye for now. I need to relax on my wheel to gather my thoughts. Did you know they had coconuts in Alaska?
With kindest regards
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