Thread: Winter White?
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Old 03-26-2019, 03:03 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Dublin City, Ireland
Posts: 162
Default Re: Winter White?

Originally Posted by alpacassei View Post
No matter the percentage, they’re still a hybrid. Unfortunately being a hybrid is of significance sonce they’re a lot more prone to illnesses such as diabetes, tumors, heart defects, etc due to the poor breeding and hybridisation and so you need to be more conscious of their health and diet than you would with a pure WW or Campbells
I respectively disagree. To my knowledge, there is no significant health implications associated with hybrid hamsters that being told the animal is a hybrid and nothing more would allow you to avoid; certainly not to the extent that it's of any significant importance. All dwarf species (purebred or not) would be at risk of diabetes if fed an inappropriate diet; some are more prone genetically, but again, this is not a factor that depends on whether the animal is hybridised or not.

As far as everything else you mentioned; there is not a single ounce of a proof to suggest that this is (or is not) an issue with hybridised hamsters. Yes; some hybridised species can have atrocious health issues - hybridisation can also be beneficial for others, because of genetic diversity. It's not documented (as far as I'm aware) in hamsters; we really cannot say how much more frequent (if more frequent) these health issues show up in hybrids than purebreds. You can't say "they’re a lot more prone to illnesses" because you don't know that, so you can't state this as a fact; unless you do have sources to back up your info?... In which case I would love to see them, and I think everyone would!

Hence why as far as pet hamster go, i label the hamster Campbells or WW depending on physical appearance (while making the owner aware that it's most likely a hybrid, just because). and that's how i'll continue to approach the matter. It's the same way I will reply to a Syrian, Chinese, or robo hamster thread identifying the individual as a x species, without going into health issues that may arise from a hamster with unknown lineage.

Last edited by EmmaAndChester; 03-26-2019 at 03:33 AM.
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