Thread: Acacia Rat pups
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:24 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 60
Default Re: Acacia Rat pups


As with African Soft Furred Rats - Acacia Rats are nocturnal and social, but otherwise they are in a league of their own.

Acacia Rats are not difficult to keep as pets. In the past they have had a reputation for being nippy, almost "hands off" beasties, but my experience with these animals has been very different. All of my Acacia Rats are very tame, and most crave attention. Masai, the pup born in February, races up to the doorway of his enclosure to be taken out for a fuss.

As they are tree rats Acacia Rats need to be given the opportunity to climb. My guys are bedded on Aspen bedding and are given hay or shredded tissue as nesting materials (many seem to prefer the tissue). They love toys like cardboard tubes which they often pull to the entrance to their nest.

Acacia Rats in the wild survive mainly on a diet of the leaves and buds of the Acacia trees and bushes. They also gnaw the gum from the bark of Acacia trees, and forage for berries and roots. Insects are occassionally eaten too. In captivity Acacia Rats have shown themselves to be quite adaptable and eat a variety of rodent mixes. They do have high energy requirements.

My Acacia Rats are fed on a mix based on a premium gerbil mix. To this I add a parakeet mix containing dates and Acacia seeds, small seeds, a little softbill bird food, and dried mealworms (sprinkled with a calcium supplement). The rats have daily portions of fresh fruit, and about twice a week their fresh fruit is drizzled with Acacia Honey. They also have red nectar, which they adore.

They are really wonderful animals to have as pets and I adore mine.

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