Thread: Gerbil wheel
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Old 03-14-2019, 08:24 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Missouri, USA
Posts: 96
Default Re: Gerbil wheel

If you're looking for a good gerbil wheel, honestly it's a hard decision because you have to take into account their very long tails and also this: gerbils chew EVERYTHING. Quite literally. Anything that you place within their reach will be nibbled and if they deem it tasty, it will be destroyed. This being said, a good wheel that personally my gerbils haven't destroyed is the Kaytee Silent Spinner. Idk if this is available where you live but it is a very good, popular option for lots of gerbil owners. Gerbils run a lot, actually; and they run very fast, which can be noisy at times. However, this wheel is pretty quiet, just a soft whirring noise as it spins. It comes in a few different sizes, some gerbils are bigger than others so it really depends on their size. A bigger gerbil will be able to run successfully in the bigger, while a smaller one will obviously not. My gerbils are actually on the smaller side so I opted for a slightly smaller one. If you ever have other gerbil questions feel free to reach out as I have lots of experience with them!
Proud Ham-mom to Pip, male Syrian brought home 11.14.18
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