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Old 02-25-2019, 08:26 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Is this new food mix good?

It looks like an upgraded version of the Versele Laga mix. The protein levels are fine but I don't think the ingredients are that great, and the Bunny and Rodipet mixes are better (even though they have less protein). I am actually not sure if Grape seeds are safe anyway! Vegetable by-products can be not pleasant - very processed and vague as to where from - eg processed waste matter? It has a lot of peas in!

It may look nice and varied and isn't all bad. But I wouldn't use it. The fruit will most likely contain nasty preservatives (most dried fruit does unless it says it's organic). It isn't chock full of soya for protein like a lot of mixes, in fact it;s not clear where the 18% protein comes from. On the bag it says animal protein. I bought a J R Farm mix that had no soya and animal protein and it smelled horrible! Our hamster wouldn't eat it. Again that can be dubious by-products.

Harry Hamster is not bad - but it does rely solely on soya for protein, like a lot of mixes and my personal preference is for a mix that isn't chock full of soya as the main ingredient. Our last Syrian had Harry Hamster though and he lived to 2 years 8 monhts which is a good long life. But I decided to go soya free with our latest one. So he has always had the Rodipet and Bunny mixes (50/50) and protein supplemented. Untl this last 6 months when I started adding science selective which is soya based, and started using the ORganic Rodipet mix - which also uses soya for protein - but it's organic soya and also has lots of other natural ingredients.

I'd say - no for a dwarf hamster - has too much fruit/sugar in. I don't think the Bunny mix is great for a Syrian either as it's full of tiny itty bits. So I am more or less just using the Rodipet mix now - for the piece sizes. That and Harry Hamster have the best sized pieces for Syrians.

The Bunny mix is good for dwarf hamsters though. Sugar free and lots of seeds and smaller pieces.
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