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Old 01-27-2019, 05:26 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 45
Default Re: New hamster sleeping in toilet

My partner was with him whilst I spot cleaned the cage so he wasn't on his own, I didn't want him to he on his own in a strange environment. Our friend gave us some more hamster toys so we put a coconut house in their with him, he didn't use it much but went in it a couple of times and I have a square block in his cage with holes in each side I put in his pen too along with a see saw and couple of logs that were familiar to him. He pees right next to his litter tray so I moved it more right in the corner where he pees, but it's right beneath his food bowl so he keeps bashing his head on his food bowl lol, our shelves in the cage have holes cut out for their bowls, so I had to move it away just slightly. He does poo in their now and again, but he's pooing everywhere at the moment, more so right in front of his house. The playpen is too small for us to fit in, but we will buy more of it at some point to extend it so we can sit in with him.

I have done the odd spot clean before whilst he's in the cage, but most of it you can't get to unless you take the cage off, which is why I gave it a good spot clean whilst he was in his pen.
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