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Old 10-29-2018, 05:36 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 7
Default Mother's rough handling and loud squeaks from pups!

Hi, I've been posting so many posts lately and I still have more questions. I really appreciate everyone's comments and help so far!

My hamster's pups are now a week old. The mother had then in a little plastic house, so I haven't been able to see them, but they are beginning to come out. I left a little tiny bits of chopped zucchini, broccoli and small seed wet with water incase they wanted to start eating some solids outside the nest.

They are beginning to come out of their little house. But when Mum hamster sees them she roughly takes them back inside the house. They squeak very loudly and she looks like she's being rough and possibly hurting them. Is this regular behaviour? Is this a normal mum and pup way of handling?

I'm scared the more they begin to venture out, she might hurt them.

I've been careful not to go near the babies or her next myself (other than quietly leaving some food outside). The mother also seems pretty relaxed in every other way.

Let me know what you think.

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