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Old 10-22-2018, 06:52 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: New hamster possibly pregnant?

Here are some photos of pregnant syrians - they tend to look much bigger at the back end and stick out sideways (the baby bumps). But I believe that doesn't show so much until they are almost due. In another week you should be clearer!

It's always good not to disturb them for the first two weeks anyway and not do clean outs etc (just spot clean the pee area after a week or so if it needs it). If there's a litter tray in the pee area with sand in you can leavethe cage for ages if you have plenty of substrate - then you just empty the litter tray every five days or so.

So just give her loads of substrate and plenty of food and a bit of fresh veg every other day (every day after the first week). And leave her to herself mostly until you're sure. And plenty of nesting material (torn up strips of plain white toilet paper - a big heap in the cage somewhere - she will take it for her nest).
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