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Old 09-19-2018, 06:51 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 40
Default Re: advice? he hates coming out!

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
I was going to say the same - put more substrate in - to the top of the cage base (it might spill out a bit but shouldn't be too much. Robos love digging tunnels! That should keep him happy. How does he get up onto the orange shelf? Or is there a ramp out of sight as well? If the cage is quite tall he might feel a bit exposed (and also have falls risks) so adding more substrate will lessen the height as well.

It might be that the cage is a bit small. Our robo is in an 80 x 50cm cage (floor space) and I wouldn't go any smaller than 70cm by 40cm really as they are very active. Also can he get into the wheel easily? (Looks quite high above the substrate but maybe he can climb in ok). I think he'll be happier with more substrate. You could even put some cardboard strips inside the bars in one corner/end and have it deep at one end.
Originally Posted by cypher View Post
That sand isn't the best, I'm not sure what country you're in? If you're in the UK then the tiny friends farm sand (available from pet shops & various places online is the best) if not then play sand (dried in the oven) would certainly be worth a go, neither would be that dusty & shouldn't cause a problem.
If you put something like a tray of sand in & he runs away just leave it & give it time, they can sometimes get a bit freaked out but will adjust to things in a few days, sometimes over night while it's quiet & they can explore peacefully, if you're too quick to remove things again they don't get the chance to get used to them.
I'm not sure which cage that is but if possible make the substrate as deep as you can so he can dig & burrow, if you have space something like a cork log (needs to be frozen for about a week before use) would be fun for him.
hi! he's able to reach everything totally fine. that was very important to me, especially since i got him during the summer and wanted him to be able to reach the water. he likes to climb up to the top shelf, run around, and climb back down. there used to be a tunnel, but he literally never used it, so i took it out.

he does have fun digging, already! (base is filled about halfway), so i'll add some more bedding for him.

i'm in canada, and the brand of sand i have is the nicest one they offer on my area, and it seems he's quite sensitive. luckily, i talked to a vet since he had an irritated/crusty eye, and she told me to actually take the sand out and replace it with rice, so i'm going to be doing that as soon as i have the energy.

i also found that putting his home on the bedside table instead of the desk has helped a TON with the bar chewing, so i think partly he was just lonely. which i guess makes sense... he started acting up when he started coming out less.

thank you both for your help!!!
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