Thread: The last of Lil
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Old 09-11-2018, 06:19 AM  
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Default The last of Lil

My sweet Lil has passed on.

01/04/2017 - 10/09/2018

As some of you know, about two weeks ago I discovered Lil had some trouble walking on her front right leg and that it was very swollen.
The vet offered pain relief and advised me to monitor Lil to see if it improved on it own.

Unfortunately it did not.
In the last week, her health has rapidly declined. The swelling worsened, she used the leg less. She barely came out of her house. She wasn't grooming herself. Her eyes become crusted and were often sealed closed. She wasn't her bright, energetic and inquisitive self anymore.

Yesterday morning I knew I needed to arrange for her to be put to sleep.

I called the Vets I had previously been to and they said the earliest they could see me would be tomorrow (today) morning.
Part of me thought I should call other Vets to see if they had space to see me today, but I decided to keep Lil at home with me for one last night.

I spent the whole evening with her on my lap/ resting on my chest in a bed and blanket.
She was quite cold to the touch so I made a (not so) hot water bottle, which she enjoyed snuggling up on.
I gave her more pain medication and some baby food from time to time.
I just lay with her in my bedroom with fairy lights and soft music on. It was incredibly peaceful.
My boyfriend arrived home from work (he works till quite late) and came and cuddled with us too.

I had my hand on her, stroking her. At about 11pm I noticed her heart rate was become so faint I could barely feel it.
I put her into a padded fleece doughnut bed I had made for her, which supported her completely. She let herself completely relax into it. She looked so comfortable.
She then took her final breaths. She did not seem to be in discomfort or distress.
It was wonderfully peaceful and i'm so glad we opted to have her at home for her final moments instead of in a vet practice being put to sleep.
After she had gone I smiled while crying because she looked so beautiful and graceful in her bed there.

I already miss her dreadfully.
I have thought 'I should go and check on Lil' multiple times today and then have that stomach drop moment when I remember all over again..

Lil was such a wonderful girl who has gone too soon, but had a wonderful life and a peaceful death with the ones that loved her dearly.

Here she is approximately half an hour before she passed.
She used the last of her energy to crawl up to snuggle on my shoulder.

last of lilsmaller.jpg

I love you dear Lil X
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