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Old 08-24-2018, 04:10 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 42
Default Re: Switch (the story of two hams)

Originally Posted by dreamtree1234 View Post
Oh my, Chapter 5 certainly had a wonderful twist at the end of it! I am glad that Cookie finally managed to escape from the neglect and abuse from the children. Did Sarah leave the cage door open, or did Cookie manage to find his way out of it and his terrible predicament in another way? Did Pebbles come along with Cookie, too? Chapter 5 is wonderful; no huge surprise there, lol. I am really enjoying your excellent and entertaining story, and I look forward to reading what you have in store for all of these Syrians and us.
Thank you! Pebbles was did not mange to escape. You'll see how cookie escaped in a little bit


I looked out of the bars of cage to see the bag of food taunting me. It may not have been high quality, but it kept me alive and I hadn't had any for two days for Pebbles stole half of my hoard and no amount of pleading or bargaining would get it back.

All three children ran in, I didn't even bother hiding from them any more I guess if a hamster could be depressed that's what I was. I trudged to the middle of my cage awaiting my fate.

I was surprised when Samantha's gentle hands scooped me and Pebbles up.

"Its okay little hams." She whispered in response I sunk my class into her skin even though she didn't notice. We traveled through a door and what I saw made me gasp.

Trees towered above us there arms stretching out. While birds soared effortlessly in the beautiful blue sky. Grass stuck out from the ground, tall enough to completely engulf me. Flowers bloomed with bees buzzing around them.

It was amazing..

Tommy who was in dirt stained overalls ran up vigorously patting our heads " you get play outside hams." He yelled

Sarah was in a flower dress and she danced around happily.
Samantha put us and to the ground and promptly pulled out her and gave her phone uttermost attention.

Now I did the only thing I knew what to do and I RAN. The grass engulfed me making me Impossible to see. I heard screeching and squealing behind me. But I didn't dare look back.

I have no idea how long I ran but by the time I couldn't run any longer. I was nose to nose with a golden hamster that looked just like me.

"Hello my name is Cookie."

The other hamster just stared at me. She backed up a little, picked up a twig and pointed at my chest. "State your business".

" Whoa I'm just a hamster that escaped critter trails and hoping to find a hamster tribe. But I can leave." I turned around to walk away but this hamster stopped me.

"Hey wait! I'm Star Dust. You said critter trails do get fed every and stuff? Boy I'm sick of living wild."

I looked at Star Dust "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She nodded slowly and we both grinned

"We look alike right? I'm not just crazy?" I asked. Star Dust nodded. And quickly we hatched a plan telling each other about our personalities.

And just like that we headed off to go live a complete strangers life for a day.
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