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Old 08-18-2018, 03:54 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 42
Default Re: Switch (the story of two hams)

Thank you so much guys! I didn't think my story was that good.

Back at star dusts view

We were on the longest trek of our lives. Roots as big as hills. Creeks roaring rivers and bushes as tall as trees.

We were separated into groups as not to attract attention to ourselves. Dad was leading this group he was feeling sorry for himself. We also had the injured hamsters. And the ones who were close to violet and Cosmo. Plus me and Opal. So yeah we were pretty much the emotional wreck group.

A few hamsters had wanted revenge to try and kill the cat and his mate. With thought though they realized that was an unreasonable course of action.

Opal had taken it upon herself to tell be the entire life story of herself and both her friends. Which I already knew start to finish because not was Opal my sister her friends were also my friend's. There only so many hamsters our age to be friends.

"And so that's why I have that little scar on my toe" Opal finished.

"Yeah" I said " Opal you realize that I was there when that happened and I have the exact same scar." I guess I said that with to much annoyance because Opal's face fell.

"Well I'm sorry! I'll make sure not to talk for the rest
Of the trip" She said angrily she hunched her shoulders and walked ahead of me.

Opal, Opal come back! I'm sorry!" I called after her. She ignored be and continued to walk

I sighed and gave up. When Opal was in one of those moods nothing would make her talk to you. I was absolutely exhausted and thankful to rays of sun peeking over the horizon.

Dad lifted a paw to signal us to stop. His shiny golden fur slathered in mud to keep the bugs a nd predators of us. Everyone looked the same way. I hated the feel of it but as a younger hamster Opal and I didn't use it and we were covered with mosquito bites from head to toe.

We quickly burrowed a shallow burrow beneath a large tree. We brought in leaves and pine needles. Everyone was silent as they worked, moping for their own separate reasons. I was still torn apart inside over grandma.

Finally our burrow was ready we all thankfully emptied our cheek pouches of things we had collected on the trail. I quickly grabbed the a few berries and seed and took of to the farthest corner of the burrow.

Everyone one had dozed off. But I tossed and turned unable to permanently keep my eyes closed. Silently I snuck though the tiny burrow of sleeping hamsters. I looked down to see a paw wrapped around my ankle. It was Opals.

"Where are you going, Star?" She whispered.

Great now I was going to have to come with a lie, or maybe not. "I have to go" hoping she'd get it.

She didn't "go where?"

Now I was really gonna have to lie "to the bathroom opal"

She unwrapped her paw from my ankle and let me pass I crawled out into the night air. Taking a deep breath I decided to wander going against every lesson my mum had ever taught me.

I walked carefully as leaves rustled pass me. There was the cracking of sticks I was about to turn and bolt when some thing stopped me in my tracks. It was a golden hamster that looked exactly like me my mouth fell open. The other hamster the n said " Hello my name is Cookie."
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