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Old 08-08-2018, 01:37 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 8
Default Re: Keeping two robos together

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
Hi & welcome to HC.

It does seem that pairs do better in a smaller cage, a larger cage can give them more space to become territorial over & that can cause them to fall out.
What cage size are they used to? If they've been in a smaller cage until now than the larger cage could be a bit stressful for them along with the move to a new home.
If you don't have any levels in the cage, no shelves or ledges, & have plenty of little hideout places (always with more than one exit) they may be ok. It's very hard to be sure with pairs though, many do fall out as they mature so be prepared just in case.
They've been in a much smaller cage (below the minimum I think) for, I'm assuming, they're whole life. I always do quite natural themes so there is always loads of hides and toys and never really many large open spaces for them to get freaked out in.
I'm very happy to separate them if I see any squabbling and I don't really mind if they stay as a pair or not. I will just have to wait and see!
Thanks for the advice, sounds like they'll probably be separated but you never know!
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