Thread: Hissing Dwarf
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Old 04-17-2018, 10:18 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Hissing Dwarf

Originally Posted by IamKat View Post
Congrats on the new addition!
Moving home is always a stressful time for a hamster, and usually it's the best advice not to move anything around whilst they're getting accustomed to their new environment. Some hamsters do hiss when irritated, but I wouldn't worry too much, she probably is a little confused at all the commotion but I'm sure she will calm down soon and it won't have any lasting effect. My advice is to spend time around the cage so she gets used to your presence and voice. Try not to disturb her environment too much, and just gently start introducing taming sessions once she seems to be more settled. You can try putting some treats in different areas of the cage to encourage her to explore. I'm sure she will settle soon, and don't feel bad about the hiss - it's quite a normal response for a new ham to be a little nervy
Thank you, I'm so happy to have Luna here <3
And thank you so much for the advice, It puts me more at ease that I didn't do terrible damage to her. I try to come by her cage slowly and talk to her when shes out and about she doesn't seem to be too scared and will come to look at me but she will hide if it's to much (which is normal?). I'll be adding more things to her cage next week as to give her time to adjust. Thank you again for your advice~!
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