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Old 03-09-2018, 02:51 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Cornwall, UK
Posts: 39
Default Re: Drilled holes or mesh

I guess its much easier and far quicker to just cut out a piece of the lid out and attach wire mesh than to drill a million holes to provide good enough ventilation. It would take ages and unless you use a drill press with a jig, the chance of getting the holes in perfect rows is limited.

Just an idea, tape enough pieces of paper together to create 1 big sheet thats bigger than your lid. Draw the outline of the lid and then draw a grid inside the outline allowing for any lips, overhangs/handles ect (10x10mm maybe). Every T junction and every + junction, mark with a dot. This will tell you how many holes you would need to drill. You would need to make sure you have a good spacing between each hole to preserve structural integrity and to give more material for you hamster to chew through in order to escape. If needed this sheet of paper can be stuck to the lid as a drilling template.

I am new to the hamster world so I'm not the best person to ask so please check with other first. However, I would think that if you really wanted to drill 100's or 1000's of holes, then as long as the holes are small enough, with a good spacing between each hole and enough of them then it would be fine.
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