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Old 02-26-2018, 10:38 AM  
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Default Re: SKB’s Photography

Thank You dreamtree1234


My Furry Garden Visitors – Ratties

For a number of year I have been getting the occasional rat visit my garden – although it has been over a year since I last seen a rat in my garden but yesterday I had a new very welcome rat visitor to my garden who is still a youngster/baby! My garden wildlife soon earn themselves names – including Spike (the very large Hedgehog), Woody (the woodpeckers), Mickey ( Mice), Limpy (a female pigeon which limps as it walks down the slope of my garden) and my past garden rats (Cheddar, Mozzarella, and Blue Cheese).

My Past Garden Rats - The first Rat who ever visited my garden was Cheddar a male rat who soon made the garden his play area climbing through bushes, as well as climbing my garden tree and the metal bird feeder pole to reach the bird feeders so he could get something to eat. One morning I discovered a piece of string dangling from the bird feeder pole which was left over from a coconut which was stuffed with suet! For a few month I enjoyed watching him and then I didn’t see Cheddar for a month - I was wondering what might of happen to him but one day he returned with a “close friend” Mozzarella (a female rattie) they used to play with each other and a little while later alongside Mozzarella was one adorable baby – who I named Blue.

Since those three I haven’t seen a rat in my garden for a while now. I personally love rats, so they are more than welcome in my garden – despite some of my relatives keep telling me I should put traps and poison out (no-way!) as apparently I don’t want them in my garden! I will never put anything out to kill these beautiful animals and I like to consider my garden as a haven for wildlife including rats! They are such fascinating and intelligent animals to watch – and sometime in the future I want to have pet rats but in the meantime my garden rats are considered my garden pets.

Yesterday evening, a new little visitor was spotted exploring the garden, running around, climbing up the bushes trying to reach a bird feeder before scaling the metal bird pole and tucking into the suet nuggets. The difficult thing was trying to come up with a cheese themed name for her/him (like my other garden rats) after looking through list of cheeses - I finally decided on Red (short for Red Leicester). Red was even out when it was snowing this afternoon – enjoying some more of the suet nuggets. Before climbing back down and running off.
I just had to take some photo, So meet Red …

Popcorn Syrian

Owning Hamsters since Nov 2007

Last edited by SKB_Hamsters; 02-26-2018 at 11:21 AM.
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