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Old 09-13-2017, 01:21 PM  
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: Introducing Eros

HeeheeHEEEE! With all that is going on lately, Mum has been extremely busy. However, she always manages to devote some outside of our cages playtime with Snickers and me (separately, of course). I chose a good match of hide-n-seek. I'll hide and you try your very best to spot me, o.k.? Mum always giggles at me because she thinks I act just like a little child and can't help popping in and out of my hiding place before I'm even spotted. So here we go; don't forget to count to ten and close your eyes really tight, alright Mum?

* * * * *

1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . .

5. . . 6. . . 7. . . 8. . . 9. . . 10 - ready or not, here I come. I see you, Eros!

I still see you, Eros! Silly girl, you have to hide on the opposite side of the wooden fence if you don't want to be spotted, lol.

Where, oh where, has my cunning Eros gone? I should have known; you are munching on a mealworm treat, of course!

I can see you have found your newest treat, too. They are called peanuts, but many of the HC hamgang refer to them as monkey nuts. I am anxious to know what you think of them since it is your very first time trying them.

* * * * *

Blah! What is this crunchy, dry pellet, Mum?!? Even my poos are tastier and feel better going down than these yucky guys. How can this be a hammy delicacy? Maybe if I bring them to my wishing rocks they will grant me a special wish to make these P-E-A-N-U-T-S do their very own Houdini act right before my very eyes. Oh, well. . . no luck there, unfortunately; it never hurts to wish though, does it? I suppose facing them head on and squinting one of my eyes extra tightly will make it go down easier. I sure don't enjoy tasting this new stuff that you give me; why can't I just stick to the regular stuff, Mum?

No luck there, too! I know; I will just wiggle my cute bum a bit and change the angle some. . . .

Wow, they sure are stubborn aren't they! I still don't like them, Mum, but I will give them one last try to please you!!!!

Nyum, NyUM, NYUMMY-yum-YUMMMMM!!!! Mmmnn. . . . Nibble, nibble, licky lick!!! Hmmm. . . . I think I like - no love, LoVE, L-O-V-E with a capital "L" these P-E-A-N-U-T-thingies!!!! I can't believe that I haven't tried them sooner, Mum! The hamgang sure has a good thing going when its members chose to make P-E-A-N-U-T-S a hammy delicacy!!!!

Are you ready for another fun game of hide-n-seek before playtime is over? I'm sure you can't spot me this time, Mum; I sure have this camouflage thing down pat. Sorry, no hints here! Whahahahaaaaaa!!!!

I'm sure glad that I remembered to pouch these P-E-A-N-U-T-S so I could savor these scrumptious ones for later. For the time being, I will just have to trust that they will be safe in my food bowl. Oh, why not? Who am I fooling; I might as well pack this whole entire lot in my pouches before I take a nice and long snooze. I might need some refreshments and energy boosts because dreams can be exhausting, lol.

I know. . . . I know. . . . I'm so predictable at times. I can't help that I don't like trying new things, but I somehow always discover that Mum knows what she is doing by giving me different things to try so I never have to be without anything extra yummy, lol. I guess she will keep on introducing me to knew things, and I will keep on protesting that they are yucky just to realize they are yummy instead. It's a game that we play, but I know that she feels my silliness just adds to my charm and hilarious nature. I sure am glad that she has a sense of humor and is just as stubborn as I am. Boy, do I have her wrapped around my tiny paw, or maybe I'm wrapped around her larger one - either way, we are a match made in heaven.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 09-13-2017 at 02:57 PM.
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