Thread: Hi everyone!
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Old 07-20-2017, 05:50 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 23
Default Re: Hi everyone!

Thank you guys so much for all of your replies! They have helped me so much!

Well, even though I always had doubts, and I guarantee you I've google searched a million times over if hamsters could be kept together, etc., as they hadn't shown any signs of aggression and are both dwarfs, I just kept searching up things about it and didn't speak my mind. But the thing is, when I bought mel, the lady at the pet store said it would be totally fine to pair her with any hamster! And she recommended me the TINY cage you see on top for both of them to LIVE.

But thank you guys, now I'm definitely buying 2 new homes for the little guys, I'm thinking of buying bin cages like the one they have now, as this one is actually kind of tearing apart with kilos of tape on top.

About the wheel, is there any way I could make it safe for Mu? Like put tape on it, or magazine paper? 'Cause the pet stores around me have or TINY plastic wheels, and I already have one of those, it's like half the size of the one you've seen, and the other ones are really expensive. I've also thought about ordering online, but Idk, wouldn't the shipping costs make it 10x more expensive?
Nonetheless, I'm going to try to save up money to buy one of the expensive ones, if you guys don't have any ideas, and it's one of those very popular ones that most of the people here in this forum recommend.

About the digging stuff, Mu actually loves digging on sand! So, in his new home, I'll likely put a nice little box with a lot of sand on it, haha.

About Mu's diet, can someone help me be more accurate? I know he loves peanuts and sunflower seeds, and I like to give him carrots once in a while. I usually am very cautious with their food and added sugars and other stuff, and try to get the food bag that I think they'll like the best and is more or less natural. Other than that, they don't really like the treats that I've bought which have vitamins and such, and don't have many preservatives or any added sugars, so I believe they'd be very good for them as well. I don't know if it's because I got the flavour wrong, or because they're not used to it, so I'd love to hear your thoughts about that as well.

All in all, thank you again for all your help, you guys warm my heart, thank you.
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