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Old 07-19-2017, 05:47 AM  
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Default Re: Spartacus and Snapdragon

Winter Whites are rather a vocal species at times and often I've found that they're the ones making all the noise on the show bench and often about very little at all. I remember Book Stewarding at a show earlier this year and I moved the show pen slightly, which was enough to start it's occupant off with the squarking.

I can't speak for Winter Whites but when I've brought home Chinese from other breeders, I've felt that it's important to keep up with the handling sessions rather than give them the often advised week to settle in. To go from being handled once or twice daily to having nothing for several days can actually be more unsettling than leaving them and I tend to keep the sessions relatively short to begin with, picking them up, letting them sit on or explore my hands and allowing them to hop out of my hands into a carrier or small box with a nice layer of substrate in it if they feel the need.
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