Thread: Peppermint oil
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Old 07-15-2017, 10:17 PM  
Princess Pixie
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: UK
Posts: 151
Default Re: Peppermint oil

I take it you're a spider hater? I can't understand that myself. They're one of the most fascinating creatures in the world not to mention one of the most ancient. ! I always say animals, ALL animals have more right to this planet than humans do.
There is no way to keep spiders from your home, I'm sorry but there really isn't. Especially house spiders, hence the name. The things you see online to keep them away are all rubbish, even keeping your windows closed isn't going to keep them out, they come in other ways. Sorry but it's just a fact. The only thing you can do if you're that bothered by them is invest in a spider catcher, it's a long tube with a gentle vacuum that pulls them gently into a holding container that you can open outside to let them go. I don't condone killing them. At all.
Also, crane flies (daddy long legs) eat either nectar or nothing at all. They DO NOT eat spiders.
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