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Old 05-25-2017, 02:14 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 120
Default Re: Can I give vegetables for my hamster everyday?

I will feed my hamsters greens every day, but not fruits (or vegetables that are botanically a fruit). Any green food that is a leaf, stem, flower, or bud is given to them in large enough quantities for them to eat as much as they want every day - I only limit it to reduce waste. When they are given root vegetables or fruits (which are usually other colors besides green), they are given a small amount every few days.

I believe hamsters who are raised on a limited pellet diet (like a pet store hamster raised on lab blocks at a pet mill) are going to have more problems digesting fresh foods. It's definitely a good idea to start slow and think small when introducing fresh foods to pet store hamsters. Otherwise I think it's fairly difficult to give your hamster too much fresh produce.
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