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Old 04-11-2017, 10:37 AM  
Jennie F
Adult Hamster
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Lancashire, UK
Posts: 353
Default Re: How cuddly are your hammys?

My girl isnt cuddly as such ( she wont be still for long enough) but she is very needy, especially when she is in heat. She used to be happy playing in her ball or her playpen, but now she doesnt seem to want to do any of that and prefers playing with me on the sofa. Sometimes she will climb up my arms and down my back so I have to catch her, sometimes she will randomly climb my hair and sit on my head. If I am super lucky she will sit on my shoulder, stick her nose in my ear and snuffle or sometimes squeaks (whispers sweet nothings in my ears haha) She mainly likes to "treadmill" over my hands or crawl under my dressing gown and see where she gets too. On the one hand I should be happy that she wakes up and wants to play with me. But on the other hand it is very distracting when I need to study or have assignments to do. I feel bad when she is awake and in her cage and I feel like I have to play with her as much as possible before I go to bed so that she isnt as unfulfilled when she spends hours by herself before she goes to bed haha. I probably created my needy monster haha
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