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Old 04-07-2017, 11:10 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Posts: 32
Default Re: Advice for owning cat with a hamster?

Hello, I have moved my hamsters cage and now my cat can't reach her, while he can jump up, he is afraid of most things bigger than him and the cage takes up all the space on it anyway. But he can still stare, so I put a towel over the top (There is still enough space to breathe, don't worry) And that stopped most of the attention and she can still look out. My cat rarely tries to get to her now. I will keep an eye on it though.

I have considered making sure he can't get in the room at all, but I really couldn't, so I decided to have the room locked when I am not it in the room so I can watch the hamster at all times. and if he tries to get to close, I will move him.

If you have any more Ideas, please tell me.
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