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Old 03-12-2017, 12:20 PM  
Cinnamon Bear
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United States
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Default Re: Help with hamster breeds, please :)

Robos and Chinese are both hard to tame as the robos are quick little runners and the Chinese like to hide so unless you pick it up you may have to chase it around and that's not any good. But you need a lot of patience for the hammy to trust to the point of crawling on your hand and let you pick it up. I never experienced that with 4 different Chinese hamsters.

Russians and WW are lots of fun and you can handle them once tame, generally they are more active and can bond with them quicker. They don't require as much patience as a robo or a Chinese.

Russians and WW hybrids and Chinese are all prone to diabetes. That makes my favorite species robos and Syriains at this point. Hope this helps! I love robos! I love my Syrian too! No more Chinese for me as I don't have the patience as they like to hide where with robos they are fun to watch even if you can't handle them.

Usually they will take treats from you and depending on the robo you can handle them accordingly. Various personalities, just like all the hammies
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