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Old 12-29-2016, 09:28 AM  
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Default Re: Attempting to train a frightened Hamster

I would strongly suggest this type of cage Amy
The hammy will feel protected by the sides and the access is great with the wide opening lid. You should not put any enclosed hidey holes in there. We would use only a cardboard box with the bottom cut out and some windows and doors. A good sized wheel, deep bedding and some loo roll tubes for a nervous hamster. Intense taming at least 3 sessions a day is needed. Start by waking him and taking off the lid in a safe spot then stroking his back. Move on to the lift and lay the eventually to the running him through your hands. You must try and be confident with him. He will feel more secure then. Keep him low over a bed or your knee with a towel on your lap. Once you get the hand to hand running with your hand like a tunnel so he can feel your hand all round his body you are well on the way to taming him. Just don't fill the cage up too much for now. Even a smaller bin cage is good for taming and the access must be really good so you can get them out without too much stress.
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