Thread: New cage??
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Old 12-26-2016, 12:21 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: New cage??

Ah you have to tempt them into the Sputnik lol! Our hammy wasn't interested in the hamster sized one (I think that's the one that comes with the hamster heaven) but he was more interested in the rat sized one - also it needs to have good access so they go in it - ie right next to a shelf so easy to walk into, or at the end of a tube. Once they go in it they get to quite like it as snooze spot usually. With the small one, I had it hanging over Charlie's house with a little step nearby and a shelf behind it, so he could get in it easily, and I used it as a place to put his daily veg, so he knew it was in there and would sit there munching a bit. I think the rat sized ones are a good compromise instead of a hammock.
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