Thread: Need a new mix!
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Old 06-08-2016, 03:33 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Need a new mix!

I'm going through a "I hate masses of Soya" phase again. Somehow it bugs me that there isn't a mix on the market with lots of nice healthy natural stuff in like the Rosewood naturals supplements, and that the bulk of most hamster mixes is soya. I know it's good for protein but it just seems a bit of a cop out to provide the protein and basic (artificial probably) vitamins and nutrients, and not put any real food in there like dried veggies or herbs or whatever. Ok I know Harry Hamster has sunflower seeds and some nice grains and the odd monkey nut.

Anyway when I thought about that I decided to write to Rosewood Naturals and ask them if they would consider making a complete hamster mix as well as their treat supplements - they've probably got half the ingredients anyway! Don't suppose much will come of it but I thought if I don't ask then I won't get an answer!

It's a bit irrelevant for Charlie at the moment, in some ways, being on a soft food diet but I would really feel good about being able to feed a hamster a really good diet from being a baby with some nice natural food in it that is less processed. It's probably giving him the Science Selective that has set me off again. I think it's great it exists as it's probably the only all in one mix you can soak for a soft food diet and know they'll get the nutrients, but I really don't like the ingredients!
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