Thread: Bugs
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Old 05-16-2016, 01:33 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Bugs

Maybe they are silverfish - or do they look more like little maggots? They could easily get into the cage - we used to find them a lot in my Grandma's house wriggling along the carpet at night sometimes.

So if you clean out the sand and put new in they still come back? They must like sand! What sand are you using? I don't think Silverfish do any harm - it might be a nice snack!

Apparently spiders eat silverfish but that's probably not much help! They like damp paper and there is a silverfish trap suggestion of damping a rolled up newspaper tying it up with string so it stays rolled up, which they will go into and snack on overnight then you can chuck the rolled newspaper in the wheely bin outside. Maybe you could set it up next to the hamster cage but not so your hammy can get at the newspaper.

That's if they are silverfish.

Last edited by Pebbles82; 05-16-2016 at 01:44 AM.
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