Thread: afraid of hands
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Old 01-29-2016, 03:55 PM  
Wicked Witch of Manchester
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Default Re: afraid of hands

I call these kind of hamsters "Anti Hand Hams" I've had a few that have avoided hands at all costs, it can make taming a bit more difficult but not impossible. It sounds like you having taming down anyway!

Piebald explained why hamsters don't like hands very well, I can't add anything to that

I'm very strict with how my hamsters are handled - it's always on their terms. If they want to come out they know where the door is, I'll open it and let them climb out. If you have a cage with only a top entrance then this won't be possible unless you can add a ramp of some kind. They are quite good at getting up steps and ramps though so I'm sure you could make something up.

It is best to keep putting your hands in the cage when the ham is in there and awake to an absolute minimum. It's their territory and for them to feel safe they can't be having someone sticking their big paws in all the time.

A little tip - lower the lighting. Hamsters are crepuscular (ie most active at dawn and dusk) and their eyesight is poor, particularly in bright lights and daylight. Try just using a small table lamp.

Good luck!
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