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Old 01-13-2016, 10:10 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 17
Default Worried about Cami. Weight lose and Green Stool

Cami one of my newer Hamsters. I got Sunday before last. I thought she had wettail when I got her but I got her antibiotics and she was fine. She eats, drinks, runs in her wheel. But she has lost weight and her rectal area isn't wet but green. So if she is having green poop or diarrhea I'm not sure. She is extremely skittish and I was trying g to stress her but I have filled her dish many times since getting her and she has visibly lost weight.
Any ideas? I can make her a vet appt but in order for them to see her I need to pay my previous bill and at the moment I don't have that money plus what I habe to pay for her visit. They ate the only exotic vet in the area. We had a water heater bust and or furnace too this week and both have taken our funds that's why the bill at the vet has been unpaid. It's $55 for her visit but I just don't have that plus the 106$ bill I have.
I'm not sure if worms can be possible I keep a stock of wormer here cause I often have foster's PANACUR and I also have Pyrantel from the vet. They won't give me the dosage without seeing her

I'm gonna check her cage for poops tomorrow and also take photos of her again. Before and now
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