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Old 09-20-2015, 05:33 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: London, UK
Posts: 79
Default Re: Hamster Haven Metro Cage - review

Im never sure why ppl find this cage hard to clean. I find it a dream.

My hamster slept in the penthouse, each week id just unclip that and throw it in a bowl of soapy water.

The base just needs tipping into a bin liner and a quick spritz with a cleaner and the shelves are easy to wipe down.

Tubes are a pain no matter what cage but this cage you dont have to use them - although i do because they are nice and large.

Ive heard ppl on forums say about the cleaning of this cage but i dont really understand it, its no trickier than any of the others in the same league.

Sure, harder than say a duna but this cage leaves the plastic cages for dead and its so much easier to move than a glass tank (and no glass tank cleaning smears to deal with).

Im not a fan of tanks - all my hammies have loved bar climbing and its great exercise to keep them fit and strong, plus easier to interact/give treats etc.
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