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Old 04-28-2015, 10:50 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 24
Default Emergency--I did something really dump, please help!!!

I was cleaning my hamsters cage and I forgot to close my bedroom door and she rolled down the stairs in her exercise ball (worst mommy ever award, I know, I know :'( !!!!!) Luckly, I guess I don't have very steep stairs because she didn't fall down all of them at once, it was a bunch of short drops in a row with very short pauses in between each stair. Even so, she was half way down before I realized what was going on so I wasn't able to catch her in time. When she reached the last step she rolled pretty fast and hit the front door.

I checked her out up close and watched her walk around on the floor and everything seems okay. I also gave her a bunch of treats and she ate them right away so I'm taking that as a good sign.

The 24 hour emergency vet that I've called about my dog before doesn't keep a small animal vet at night so there was no one for me to ask when I called, so until the morning I'm turning to y'all for advise:

Is there anything I should do for her if she seems fine?
Is there any damage that could have occurred that wouldn't be very obvious?
Are there warning signs I should be on the watch for?

I brought her cage downstairs so I can keep an eye on her while I'm studying tonight. She ran on her wheel for a bit, pouched some food, then went down into her igloo. She would normally be up at this hour but when I have the lights on late at night she sometimes takes cat naps cause I think she gets confused lol so as far as I know she's still acting normal. I'm just worried about internal bleeding or brain damage or something horrible like that that I could be missing!

I feel so awful! Any advice is appreciated :/

Abby and Scabbers
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