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Old 06-15-2009, 05:44 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 209
Default Hamster's life is valuable?

I don't know about anyone on here but i was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience with hamsters.
Most my friends and people i speak to don't value hamsters or any small animals. I have received some horrible comments about my hamsters; eg. 'why didn't i just stamp on IT when it was hurt?' and that they aren't worth the vets bills. My cousin told me a story about how him and his friend went to a pet store and bought a hamster and fed it to his snake. He thought it was hilarious. It annoyed me that he would tell me this when he knows i keep them as loved pets.

Even friends that don't have bad things to say look at me a bit like 'why would you want that hamster, and why would you value it's like so much'

It had been bugging me, especially since EVE-A got ill. I don't understand how a hamster's life is less valued than say a dog? It has really been bothering me. I think that any life however tiny the animal is just as important as another life.

Has anyone experienced similar reactions from people?
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