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Old 10-02-2013, 01:08 AM  
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Default Do You Think She's Lonely?

I'm worried about my poor little robo Pipkin. I've started to hold off on the handling efforts recently because I have come to the conclusion that she is never going to be a cuddly hamster. It might be her, or how she lived for the months of life before I got her; maybe her first owner was too rough, and she never got used to the P@H staff grabbing for her.

I've tried, but I still can't even put my hand near the tank without her scuttling for cover and hiding. I can't even get close enough for her to sniff me, she is just too petrified. She seems a lot happier now that I have stopped making a fuss of her, and she's awake and active during the day quite a lot.

However, sometimes when I watch her, she seems to just sit by herself in the corner, staring off into space. When she listens to my voice, I can tell that she is curious and is dying for some interaction, but she's just too nervous.
I'm wondering if my poor little one is lonely.

I know she has lived alone for a long time, but do you think she would except a very young companion? Like, 6 weeks old? Or is it impossible? :/
I just want her to be happy...
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