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Old 07-08-2013, 07:54 AM  
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Default Re: Introducing young WW to old WW?

To be honest the introduction would likely be easy, babies are usually accepted without too much issue before about seven weeks old. I have never had a single issue introducing my baby boy poms to their dads of other relatives under that age. The problem you get is when they get passed that age, then you have the risk of either one or both not wanting to share their environment with what they now see as an adult, and fighting breaks out with separation needed. As the little one would still be very little at this point it can be both traumatic and very dangerous.

If the baby you have seen is from a pet store she will be on the cusp of the age that could cause issues as they don't usually go onto the shop floor till six weeks old at the earliest, something to bear in mind.
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