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Old 02-11-2007, 02:02 AM  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
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Thank heavens for that. So glad we had a happy ending. My heart was racing there! Hamsters are amazing escape artists. I doubt they can open the catch on a Gabber so more likely human error there. Do you have the sdeclips on the tray Jill. If not put them on. Once we left it so the top and tray were slightly offset and Sonni got out. She was found sitting on the bed looking cheery even through we had totally emptied the room and looked everywhere. I have no idea where she was hiding but they usually come out for food sooner or later and we find the sit and wait policy best. Watch out with a padlock as it he CAN open the door by any chance then he will still get out as the padlick will still allow enough give to push open. We use a clothes peg which works well. I will post a pic soon. One of the plastic ones. Do you get Hammy out using the little door or do you take the whole wire lid off? I would not advise taking the whole wire off too much as it could get loose. Better to loose the side clips and lift the whole plastic lid off so that you can have easy access to the tray. I am so glad he is found. Why not write a story for creative corner about your feelings? I think you will find that hammy did climb the stairs. They are very good at it and indeed very quick. At night shut the door of the hammy room and to any rooms that have holes which would give access to the underfloor areas eg bathroom. Once under the floor they are very hard to find and seem to get lost so even food will not tempt them out. Make sure you remove lots of fresh food from the nest store so it des not go bad and give him a bad tummy. Just a little bit the size of a pinky nail per day is fine. He will be eating plenty. You can start a growth chart weighing on the kitchen scales. That will be fun for Aiden to make.
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