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Old 12-21-2006, 04:17 PM  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
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I do hope they are the same sex as hybrid breeding is not to be recommended. Trying to introduce them is very difficult and more often than not ends in fighting and separation. This often happens even with same species pairs. Some people have kept them successfully together but this is better done when you have two litters of the same age to mix when they are separated from the mothers.

If you really want to try start by rubbing their scents over your hands then over each other. Next swap cages so the scents mix. Since you have only just got them this may be stressful as they have not had a chance to settle or be tamed yet so watch them for signs of illness. Then you can let them meet but they must be supervised constantly.

Always handle both, one at a time if need be, never only one as they need the mixed scents. Have gardening gloves ready in case they fight. Gradually leave them longer and longer together. As they mature they may become territorial and fight so watch them very carefully. The cages should have two of everything. Never feed in bowls, always scatter food on the floor as they can get territorial over bowls. Never do full cage cleans as you can lose their scents. Do half and mix the old stuff in to keep the scent of both in the cage. As you will realise scent is they key and is all important to our little friends!

It would probably have been wiser to have got a litter mate as they tend to live together better but you can but try so good luck. Remember you must always keep an emergency cage or bin available in case you need to separate quickly. Good luck
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